Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dissipation Artist Statement


“The past always looks better through the lens of nostalgia. But somewhere along the line, the dream soured.” Our lifestyle has backfired. Taken a turn for the worse. But what is the source of this problem? –Kalle Lasn

I make work about choices in American culture. My images portray the collective and psychological consequences that our choices have on the environment. Psychologically, I explore our unconscious behaviors. Unconscious behaviors like throwing away plastic bottles instead of recycling them or our excessive demands for electronics that each day fuels more violence in the Congo. Unconscious behaviors, when everyone contributes, can have catastrophic consequences that no one intended. These behaviors have all been carefully concealed by a reputation of freedom and the pursuit of happiness or the so-called “American Dream.” Could the land of the free and the home of the brave be better described as the land of the greedy and morbidly decayed? The way of life we know now is not everlasting. My senior thesis sets out to visually portray these ideas.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Show posters

Staircase to get to gallery was a bit scary

Some friends forced to come

My parents

Gallery Floor

My amazing boyfriend and I

PowerPoint Presentation

Saturday, April 2, 2011

1 week till senior show!!!

So I have been working for what seems like a little under a year on my senior show. The show opens in one week here are some studio photos to get excited about
So this is a photo that i took of the silk chevon that I later ran through a ink jet printer and its on a sweet handmade clothes line
Me adding a bit more food to the bottom
Getting the edges painted
Another digital printer with added conte crayon and acrylic.
So I finally started working on the background

Monday, March 21, 2011

dissipation work

WordPress plugin

Trash Birds Collaboration with Chris

Digital Print with conte crayon

Digital print with white conte

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I'm Getting Published

Just found out that I am runner up in an International Photography contest. I will be featured on for a year and my images will be included in the Portrait and People book 2011.  You can check it out at this website

Scroll down to see my images. I am so excited!!! 

Spring Break Workage

So this week I have the entire week off for Spring Break. So of course I am spending almost all of it in my studio. Here are some updated pictures of the consume painting as well as the frames that I am currently building for my show. I also have a quick pic of some textiles a silk scarf that I dyed. As well as some of my final pieces for my show. Digital prints with all kinds on conte crayon drawn into them.
Textiles Silk painting

The packets that I sent for my potential internships

Large digital print with applied conte

update on Food painting

Gigantic frame in process for the food painting

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cosume painting update

Still working on my consume painting. I cut and pasted tons of magazine clippings of food the I paint on top of the images. Still working on the figure as well as everything else.

oh this needs work

Best detailed area so far, working pushing the piles back in space

Sewing into my mat for the undergrad show

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Underwater Sculpture Garden

Just found this really neat artist that makes sculptures then puts them underwater! Here's the info and some photos
"This Underwater Sculpture Park in simply amazing, these pieces were all created on land and taken down about 4-6m to their underwater resting place divers and snorkelers to see. This is a creative twist on an art gallery! Jason Taylor is the master mind behind these under water sculptures. Jason has gained international recognition for his art work in using it to help build an artificial underwater reef."

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Textiles I love it!

So this was our first project in textiles. The project was plating. It was so easy, really nice break from photo and painting.

Cheese burgers and global warming.. think about it

So my next painting is about all the great things that we eat. More info coming i just wanted to post some quick photos... !!! i've got to get back to work!
WordPress plugin

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christien Meindertsma: How pig parts make the world turn | Video on

Christien Meindertsma: How pig parts make the world turn | Video on

Advanced Painting Studio 2

My final semester at ECU. I am currently working on my senior show (eekkk!). Basically, I thought I would start out by posting some of my inspirations for my work and other people that inspire me.

Edward Burtynsky-Currently a photo favorite. His work is "meant as metaphors to the dilemma of our modern existence; they search for a dialogue between attraction and repulsion, seduction and fear. Recycling yards, mine tailings, quarries and refineries are all places that are outside of our normal experience, yet we partake of their output on a daily basis".
Burtynsky is leading me in a photographic direction that I hope to pursue for my senior show. I am obsessed with his compositions as well as his attention to detail.
 Jenny Saville- Really inspired by the way she applies paint. Her large canvas and the thick rough textures.
Jan Saudek- Even though some of his work is extremely out there and sort of vulgar. His older work transcends for me the meaning of darkroom photography. Its eye catching to say the least

Bruce Holwerd- really intrigued by his abstractions of human forms and the surrealism affect portrayed.

Nam June Paik- Really inspired by his "electron superhighway" Which was made to convey Nam's thoughts on the USA. He used over 313 monitors to make this piece. Cycling with  images to the particular area in each state. Really amazing!
Victor Wang- Just found this guy I am enjoying his compositions as well as the textures portrayed.