Sunday, November 14, 2010

Photographic work

My teacher caught me off guard the other day when he asked me to talk about some of my photography work. I didn't really know what to say because I don't really follow a theme. So i decided to post some images of recent and current work.
WordPress plugin

Final Multiplication and Oil Glazing (2/3)

Some images that I made for the multiplication assignment. It was about experimenting with printing. I took paper that already had paint on it and ran and image across the paper with the printer. Using digital ground I was able to paint in areas that I liked then reprint either the same or different image on top. Here are some of my examples and final pieces.

Acrylic and oil glazing

I am currently trying to choose which box I should use for my final project which is to build a 3 dimensional object.

Oil Glaze I have been working on and off throughout the semester

Printing on a silkscreen image

Pig print and acrylic glaze

Multiple prints (the pig is in there) acrylic glazing