I am in a mixed media drawing class. Our first assignment was to pick an object and make around 5 sketches of that object. It needed to be something that we could hold and that was personal to us. I am currently working on several different papers. I chose seed packets as an object mainly because of their surface. I wanted to glue them down in a grid and manipulate the surface using matte medium, sandpaper, and acrylic paint. This image below is one of my first attempts. My concept was the personification of plants. Seed packets seemed like the best idea because they are flat and easy to manipulate. They were also personal for me because every year I plant seed packets where ever I happen to live. My boyfriend is a big influence in my work so the male imagery is him. I scanned seed packets, blew them up and re glued them to different surfaces. I also used tin foil, old candy wrappers, and scrunched up paper towels.